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Thursday, April 12, 2012


knout   [nout]
1. a whip with a lash of leather thongs, formerly used in Russia for flogging criminals.

That's right, the word for today is a type of whip. Pretty kinky huh? Actually I think it only feels kinky because I just finished reading the 50 shades of Grey trilogy. Can't you see the characters from the book in this picture.

"Hold on Miss. Steele, this one's gonna sting."  

Ooh la la. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then come out of the hole you've been living in and join the world of bondage erotica.  :)

Tomorrow's word is the letter L and it's 10 letters, starts with LI.  I promise you won't be whipped with a knout if you get it wrong.  ;)


  1. Another new word for me. Hooray! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  2. A new word for me as well. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. I had no idea it meant so many things... but then most words shift from their origin to other adaptations over time.

  4. Interesting name for the whip, but the results are the same (pain). Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cairo must be an interesting place to live.

  5. Now following, forgot that in previous message...

  6. Never knew that one. Well chosen. :-)

  7. Great word! That's the thing about being a horsey girl, there's always whips and spurs lying around the place... lol

  8. That's a new word for me, too. Just stopping by with the A-Z. Count me in as your newest follower. Happy A-Zing.

  9. I've never seen this word before.

    I have the first book in the trilogy in my TBR pile.

  10. Hi, Devin, this is my first time coming across a knout. You live and you learn.
